Alternative fuels and drivelines

On the road to even cleaner road transport

Global CO2 emissions and local air quality – these are issues with implications for each and every one of us. And that includes DAF. That is why we are developing and testing many new and existing technologies on the road to even cleaner and more sustainable road transport. One thing is certain: each transport application demands its own approach.

Multiple technologies

DAF and its parent company PACCAR are exploring many routes that will lead from clean to sustainable: electric, hybrid and – in the long term – hydrogen. At the same time, the already very clean combustion engine is destined to become even cleaner in the future and more sustainable too, thanks to the arrival of new generations of fuels.

When cities decide to allow only those trucks that do not produce any emissions into their centres, the only option currently available is a fully electric driveline.

But when a truck has to drive long distances and operate under ‘zero emissions’ in urban areas, a combination of diesel and electric comes into play: hybrid.

However, the electric driveline is not yet an option for long-distance haulage due to its limited range. That is why the modern and efficient diesel engine remains the best choice for now and the near future.

Clean diesel technology

The modern combustion engine is becoming even cleaner and more sustainable, also thanks to the arrival of new generations of fuels.

Hybrid Electric Vehicles

Combining the best of both worlds: fully electric in urban areas and clean diesel technology everywhere else.

Battery Electric Vehicles

Zero-emissions technology for inner-city distribution


An option in the long term for powering trucks